Friday, April 19, 2013

My Latest Obsessions

GMC enjoying our "Pool" (um, POND) in our backyard
April 2013
Happy Friday! Wow, what a long week. I think everyone can relate to the feelings of it being a very bizarre, emotionally draining and almost eerie week. And on top of all the news stories surrounding us we have had very rainy and flood like conditions in the western burbs of Chicago. I admit that many times I am in my own world - meaning that I'm fairly far removed from the harsh realities that face some people on an everyday basis. While one can relate to the greater world to an extent it isn't until things hit closer to home that I believe that "news" feels more raw and real.

I've been thinking a lot about the late Anne Smedinghoff, the young State Department officer who was killed this month in Afghanistan. Her story hit quite close to home as she grew up a few streets over from us and her parents still live here. It has been interesting to explain the story to our girls (and GMC to an extent) who know of Anne's mom from church and our community. They also know that both Anne and PFC went to the same high school (yet obviously never overlapped). They clearly see too how the community of River Forest has put up white ribbons in front yard trees in honor of Anne Smedinghoff's life. The outpouring of love and support has not only been visibly apparent but I personally can feel it when talking with friends, family and neighbors in town. Not only do these ribbons show support for the Smedinghoff Family but they have given all of us a reason to come together as a community (and a nation and beyond). I've hugged my kids tighter and longer this past week and have tried to be more in the moment w/ them. This weekend we will sift through some of our gently used books and put together a pile to donate in honor of Anne (and all the work she was doing in Afghanistan). And then there is also all the craziness w/ the Boston Marathon and all that happened in TX.

On a lighter note, we are so happy to have my Mom (JuJu) here w/ us these past few days for a little visit. Once again my sister and I find ourselves fighting over who gets "time" w/ her during her visit. We all want our "JuJu" time. Speaking of family time I'm heading out to NYC next week for a long weekend in NYC and Brooklyn. I cannot wait to spend some quality time w/ my youngest sister and a dear friend from college. WAHOO!

And this past Wednesday PFC and I reflected back on our last 5 years together. This Wednesday marked the 5 year anniversary of our 1st date. Little did either of us know that our date on 4/17/08 would lead to where we are today. And yes, I definitely went from cabs to a mini van. And I can now wholeheartedly say that I do LOVE our mini van. I so dig the sliding doors. I really do. Did I really just say that? Yes, I did!

Onwards. XO - D2

Some of my latest faves: 

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