Friday, October 21, 2016

My Latest Obsessions...

Wyoming High School Reunion

Donuts w/ Dad at school

Love this little dude

Happy Friday! I'm excited for this weekend = chill! We don't have tons of plans and we intend on keeping it that way. I was out of town the last two weekends and I'll be traveling again in a few weekends so we put a big HOLD on this weekend. Tonight I'm taking all 3 kiddos to the middle school for our Fall Fun Fest. And then Saturday PM = nada! Sunday we have our nephew's birthday party (bowling = fun!).

Last weekend PFC/I were in Cincinnati for my HS reunion. It was a blast. Awesome Saturday evening venue = The Transept. It was an old church that was renovated. Very cool too to see Over the Rhine area and how much it has changed (for the better).

XO - d2

My latest favorites...

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